Sunday, September 30, 2012

Snow White

The original version of Snow White by the brothers Grimm is very different from the Disney Version of Snow White. In the Disney version Snow White doesn’t have a father, the prince falls in love with her in the beginning of the movie and the dwarfs all have names and personalities. Disney did this for many reasons. The main reason was to make it more appealing to children and the general public.
In the Grimm version the prince only fell in love with Snow Whites beauty after she was already asleep and in the coffin. When Snow White wakes up, after she spit up the piece of apple lodged in her throat, she saw the prince and thought he really loved her so she decided to marry him. In the Disney version the prince fell in love with Snow White in the beginning when she was signing with all of the animals at the well. He loved her even though she was just wearing raggedy old clothes. In the end the prince saved Snow White when he kisses her because it is only true love that brings Snow White back to life. The Disney version with the true love’s kiss is more appealing to children and makes a better plot.
Another difference is the father figure. In the Grimm version once Snow Whites stepmother tries to have her killed you never hear of the father looking for her or even wanting to know if she is okay. If a child were to watch that it would be disturbing and depressing to watch a young girl’s father not care about her in the least, expecially when young children look up to their parents the most. Disney took care of this problem by making Snow White an orphan in the movie and not giving her a father figure, just her evil stepmother. This puts more emphasis on how evil the stepmother is and it makes the viewer’s sympathize with Snow White more because she doesn’t have a father.
                The dwarfs are also a main attraction in the Disney version. Disney did this to help entertain the public. In the Grimm version the dwarfs were just merely little people who worked every day in a mine and that’s about it. In the Disney version they all had names, personalities and special traits. They sang, and loved Snow White very much. Kids and adults love this. The dwarfs were made into cute characters that everyone instantly falls in love with.
Disney made all these changes to make the plot more fun and interesting to people, which in return made his version more popular to the public. 

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